Dr. Timothy J. Brown
Senior Pastor
The Good Shepard . . .
Dr. Timothy J. Brown, with a BA, Religion & Philosophy (Bishop College, 1986); Master of Theological Studies (M.T.S.) (Perkins School of Theology, SMU, 1988); M.Ed. (Stephen F. Austin State University, 1996); Doctor of Ministry (Evangelism) (Perkins School of Theology, SMU, 2000 reported as the new pastor of New El Bethel Baptist Church November 13, 2004. His first sermon as Pastor was entitled, “Pass the Salt,” his text was Matthew 5:13 that blessed our hearts as it started a new era in New El Bethel’s history. Pastor Brown, Sis. Brown and the boys are a tremendous blessing to the church as he came to New El Bethel with a commitment to the spiritual growth and edification of God’s people. Through Dr. Timothy Brown’s leadership and guidance and through the grace of our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ, the Church family was blessed to achieve the following accomplishments:
Accolades . . .
2004 – The purchase of a new external sign. Launched a Children’s Church Ministry, restructured the Youth Church by adding the Christian Youth Fellowship (CYF) and Fine Arts Ministry. There were noticeable cosmetic changes throughout the church such as new carpet, cleaning of the pews etc. New Member Orientation Classes instituted. Our records reflect as many as 62 who join and rededicated their lives to Christ.
2005 – Many new ministries were added. Our organizational structure was redesigned to dynamically enhance God’s presence in all of our worship services. In fact, many new inspiring ministries such as the Roof-Top, Prison, Married Couples, Widows, Singles, Greeters, The Journey, and Paul & Timothy was established to aid and revitalize God’s people in their walk with God. A new Vision Statement / Mission Statement were instituted – A Powerful Church – A Preaching Church – A Praying Church – A Praising Church – A Paying Church – A Church of Purpose / We exist to,” Exalt the Savior, Equip and Encourage the Saints.”
2006 –
2007 – The enhancement of NEB Outreach Ministries-food basket to needed families, clothing donation to the needed. Supported the Katrina/Rita hurricane victims. Provided Toys for the Christmas drive in the city of Dallas. Submitted Scholarships to deserving students via our Scholarship Ministry. The adoption of South Haven Nursing Home with support to other seniors and underprivileged individuals in the community. Acceptance into the Dallas Baptist Association and Baptist General Convention. (BGCT) The establishment of the Feed 5000 Ministry.
2008 – New Ministries added such as Member-to-Member, Evangelism Team, Noonday Prayer, Corporate Prayer & Individual Prayer, Nursing home visits. All ministries are growing and pressing toward the mark of high calling of Jesus Christ.
2009 – Evangelism Team functioning. Connected members and friends through face book and Utube to allow Pastor’s sermons to be heard all over the world.
2010 – The purchase of property at 1106 Diceman Street (7.351 acres) for future development. Prison Ministry ministered to Men & Women at Lew Sterrett Jail. Continuous church growth with positive spiritual awareness through Bible Study. Development of Individual awareness by offering the congregation seminars on health, insurance, and personal financial issues. Received tax exemption on the Diceman Street property for 3 Year.
2011 – New El Bethel expended 155 sq ft of the 830 Bonnie View Road property the city of Dallas for the beautification of the area. Developed a Newsletter called New El Bethel Gazette. Developed a Catch-The-Vision fund (CTV) and started a separate bank account for capturing all funds to be paid on the Diceman Street property.
2012 – The replacement of the church external sign that was destroyed by a motorist. The update and ratification of the church bylaws awaiting Internal Revenue‘s acceptance. Our membership has continued to grow and prosper throughout the years. As of December, 2012 Feed 5000+ has fed 26,363 clients.
New El Bethel, our history is rich. We want to thank Father God first for without God we can do nothing but with God all things are possible. We want to acknowledge our past, present and even our future members to come for inspiration and support for we all make one body and together we stand and divided we fall.